Monthly Archives: August 2012

Guest Post: Lisa Gan on Sentiment Analysis

Hey guys,

Sorry it’s been a while since I posted anything. Been very busy building visibility of Mind of Man, the awesome App I’ve been working on at 2Paperdolls.

Here are some articles that were posted recently on Gamasutra and Game Trailers! Also feel free to check out the MOM trailer, If you haven’t seen it yet. It’s lovely!

Lately, I’ve been getting a lot of requests for guest features but this one really piqued my interest. Working on Mind of Man has gotten me really interested in the field of Sentiment Analysis and it’s various potential applications. Lisa Gan contacted me with this piece, which I thought was very well written and informative. Enjoy 🙂

Innovative Social Media Technology: Sentiment Analysis by Lisa Gan

“Sentiment analysis represents an innovative way to examine emotional trends across Internet content, and is of particular value to social media networks and affiliate marketers. A sentiment analysis involves looking at the kinds of attitudes implicit in different documents and messages, with the intention of judging overall trends and moods from positive to negative. This kind of analysis works around a scale of emotional responses, and looks for repeated phrases and the structure of messages to try to determine the mood of the writer.

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