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Guest Post: John Griffin of Gamesparks talks about the future of the cloud

2013 has so far seen the emergence of some pretty strong endorsement for the cloud when it comes to games. Peter Warman, CEO of the highly rated NewZoo, boldly declared in February that “Someday all games will run in the cloud’. I agree with this. I am not sure when exactly it will apply to 100% of games but I am sure 2014 will be the year that most games convert. Many of the larger games studios of course already architect their games on the cloud. In fact, if you look at a game like Candy Crush, the device executable is only a tiny part of it. Most of the smart stuff is done in the cloud or on the server-side. Its a mindset shift that games developers need to adopt. Companies like King think data centre when they think game. Most of us need to do the same. Here’s why …

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David and Goliath Story

Hey guys,

Today I’d like to talk a little bit about the Irish “Independent” Game Development scene. So please; while I understand that Bioware, Demonware, Gala, Big Fish Games and more are based here, this specific post is simply related to companies like Open Emotion Studios, bitSmith, Batcat, Pixel Wolf  etc. O.K? If you’re still here then great, let’s begin.

First of all let’s jump back in time to 2009, a time I like to refer to as P.R.B (Pre-Rebecca-Black). In December of that year, Myself and my friends Colm English and Mike Naughton, co-founded Open Emotion Studios.

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